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    升级·创造 向光生长—— 凯时人生就是博首页科技马新强董事长在2022年度颁奖典礼上的讲话



    Good afternoon, everyone!


    It is time for harvest. Filled with expectations, I am very happy to see you again at this annual outstanding employee awards ceremony and witness the brilliance of nearly 100 "value contributors." On behalf of the company, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the Outstanding Employees, Ten-Year Gold Medal Employees, and Innovation Teams as well as winners of the "RMB 1-Million Innovation Awards" under the spotlight today!


    In 2022, we were greeted by flowers and also thorns. Under the complicated circumstances caused by the catastrophic pandemic and profound changes unseen in a century, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held. The conference drew a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.


    The visit of General Secretary Xi Jinping to HGTECH made our blueprint clearer and broader. Adhering to the motto of "innovation first", and becoming an influential high-tech enterprise in the world has become our basic consensus and common direction. PTC thermal management systems, 3D Five-axis laser cutting machines, airbag inner laser welding equipment, and other key products are building blocks of our empire, supporting us at the top of the industry. 800G silicon optical modules, pressure sensors, third-generation semiconductor processing equipment, laser cleaning equipment for automobiless and their industrial chains, digital twin, and industrial cloud platforms empower us on the new journey.


    In the great times, we take the lead at the forefront. In the past year, we were delighted to see a talented young technical force join HGTECH and be inspired by the company's mission. Our product line leaders and post-80s managers have acquired winning capabilities in competition and expanded the space of their career development with pioneering and enterprising spirits. Front-line teams were engaged at customers' premises in China and other countries while the pandemic was raging, polishing the shine of the HGTECH brand with timely and quality responses despite intimidatingly adverse factors.


    Time flies. We are ready to take off in all aspects in the new year. From 2022 to 2023, it is not only an increment in number but also an upgrade in confidence. The past three years featured a macro environment of recurring surges and complex changes of the pandemic, causing unprecedented difficulties and challenges to us, but we were unprecedentedly united and inspired with unparalleled courage. HGTECH is smashing through the waves and sailing to the new energy vehicles industry and its industrial chain. After nearly ten years of strategic investment, our main products have become the first choice of major domestic automobiles brands and enterprises in their industrial chain. We have seized the largest share of the domestic market for these products. Our strategic new products are also expected to gain advantages by replicating the premium quality of their predecessors. We are also creating the "second growth curve" encompassing smart-connected automobiless and their industrial chain.


    In the new year, we should take the development of the Central Academy as an opportunity to pool the amazing power of collaborative innovation, and turn the Central Academy into an innovative resource aggregation platform, an innovative talent aggregation platform, and a source of innovation for HGTECH. We are building a "Great Wall" of technology for the future. We should constantly upgrade our mindset about the times, industries, science and technology, and enterprise development, guide development with new knowledge, and keep learning and exploring in the process of development.


    In the new year, we should keep forging ahead, be more open efficiently, discover our "New World" and "Cape of Good Hope" in the international market, and cultivate new growth opportunities.


    In the new year, we should keep upholding the culture and spirit advocated by HGTECH to boost the power of advancement. Only when deeply rooted, can trees grow towards the light. The roots mean the open, professional, and efficient qualities of each of us, the enterprising spirit of making all possible efforts to accomplish our goals, the mountaineering spirit of defying all hardships, and the craftsman spirit for perfection.


    Dear colleagues, those who are brave stand tall, those who change the game stay unbeatable, and those who take on difficulties travel far! Let's carry forward our legacy and forge ahead into the future, keep pace with the times, share a destiny with the nation, bid farewell to the cold winter, and embrace a hopeful spring!
